The BG-Series bag-in/bag-out housing is a side servicing filter housing designed to meet the air filtration needs of industries and research facilities that handle dangerous or toxic biological, radiological or carcinogenic materials.
To minimize exposure to harmful contamination while replacing and handling dirty filters, the BG-Series housing incorporates a ribbed bagging ring behind the access door, over which a PVC bag is attached. Once the initial filters are installed and the first bag attached, all filters, both dirty and new, are handled through the bag.
Manufactured under stringent quality assurance controls, BG-Series housings are subjected to thorough inspections and leak tightness tests before leaving the factory, and are guaranteed to pass both DOP and/or Freon in-place tests.
Many custom options are available, including static pressure taps, test ports, transitions, dampers, and in-place test sections that allow the operator to perform individual filter system efficiency test without having to enter the system or otherwise disrupt its operation.
The BG-Series housings are designed for gasket seal primary filters. Primary filters may be HEPA filters (for particulate filtration) or carbon adsorbers (for gas adsorption). To accommodate both particulate and gas phase filtration, HEPA units can be joined in series with carbon absorber units.
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