Diesel and gas engines need protection against contaminants and particulates in the air such as fumes, dust, and smog which can lead to severe damage of engine components.
For diesel engines, contaminants and particulates in the air such as fumes, dust, and smog can lead to severe damage of engine components. The air that these engines “breathe” needs to be as clean as possible. Poor intake air quality can reduce engine performance, create higher fuel consumption, and increase exhaust fumes.

Poor Intake Air Quality Can:
- Reduce engine performance
- Create higher fuel consumption
- Increase exhaust fumes
Optimize Your Environment
Constructed from two layers of glass fiber media, AAF’s AmerKleen™ filter provides an extremely high dust holding capacity, allowing it to remain in service longer than most other intake air filters. With this long service life, low resistance, and high filtration efficiency, the AmerKleen filter provides an excellent filtration solution for the scheduled engine maintenance cycle. This results in extended engine life and reduced life cycle costs. AAF is one of a few producers of this nonflammable glass fiber media, as well as the prime supplier of the AmerKleen cartridge housing.
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